The Redis check allows you to monitor Redis services in standalone, sentinel, or cluster configurations.
The check connects to the Redis service and makes an 'INFO' query and waits for a valid response.
NodePing's Redis checks are commonly used to verify the availability of a Redis service. It is often required to whitelist connections from our probes in the service firewall for the monitoring to function. A list of our probe IPs can be found in the FAQ.
If your Redis instance requires authentication please remember that providing a username/password to someone that is not you, you are creating a new risk. This decision should be weighed very carefully. Please keep our Terms of Service in mind when you are configuring your Redis checks. It is best practice when you are creating a user for redis monitoring that you have a separate user for monitoring that is restricted to only the INFO command as discussed in the Redis documentation.
To set up a Redis check,
Common usage:
To monitor availability of Redis services.
IPv6 URLs require the bracket formatting such as rediss://[2606:c700:4020:11::53:4a3b]/0
Redis sentinel or cluster monitoring requires information for at least one host. For sentinel monitoring, the "master-name" configuration must also be specified.
SSLv3/TLS1.0 are not supported.